Sunday 18 March 2012

Week 13 - Interview Preparation, Top 4 Y2J Trade Secrets

Interview Preparation
As our candidates are still quite young, we likened preparing for an interview to preparing for an exam:
  • Know where it is and plan to get there in plenty of time
  • Revise on the questions that you think will be asked
  • Do some mock questions as practice

Add to the above that you need to:
  • Be dressed business smart
  • Revise on the company and role that you're applying to

Stress levels at both an exam and interview can be equally high.

Our candidates admit that they have not been as prepared as they would have liked in exams, so we'll be working to shape up their forward planning skills for future interviews.

A lot of the essential planning stages were covered in week 10, including:
  • Preparing clothes and appearance
  • Planning the journey
  • Revising the Job Description and Personal Specification
  • Researching the company

Below are our Top 4 Youth Into Jobs trade secrets that they won't teach you at regular employment workshops:

1. Talk to people before your interview
Chat with the receptionist, security guards, cleaners. Ask how long they've worked there, what it's like, etc. Anything to keep your mind off your own nerves. 

Otherwise, you're giving yourself too much time to sit there stressing out about what you'll be asked you and are guaranteed to be a nervous wreck by the time your name is called. 

Small talk also warms up your talking muscles, meaning you'll be a lot more relaxed and comfortable in your interview.

2. Drink water
You know that glass of water they offer you?

Take it.

I don't care whether you're thirsty or not.

Accepting that glass of water shows you are comfortable being there.

It allows you some extra time to think if you time a sip correctly after a question is asked.

And of course, it gives you a chance to drink something if your voice gets a bit croaky from all the talking you'll be doing

3. Go to the bathroom when you get there
Whether you drove or took public transport, likelihood is you had to walk through the elements to get to the interview.

So whether you immediately need the bathroom or not, going there when you arrive gives you a chance to fix up your  appearance. Hair, face, clothes, etc.

Use the toilet if you can, you don't want it to creep up on you when you go into the interview.

4. Ask good questions
Anyone who's ever given a presentation, speech or led an interview knows it's customary to ask if there are any questions at the end.

This can often lead to what we call "tumble weed moments" or "one minute silences", leaving you wondering whether anyone was even listening.

But sometimes, you get someone who will ask a really insightful question.

It could be a member of the audience asking about a part of your presentation that you wanted to talk about but was forced to cut out due to shortages of time.

It could be an interviewee pointing out a potential problem (and possibly solution) that you yourself have already been having within the job that they are applying for.

These people don't come along often, but they are the special few who stand out.
The ones you go and make conversation with at the buffet table afterwards.
The ones you will remember due to the fact that they were truly listening and "getting it".

Money 4 Life (Update) 
The teams have now created their FB pages under the following names:

Team 1 - Money Matters

Team 2 - If Money Doesn't grow on Trees then why do Banks have Branches?

Within the first week both teams had already smashed the target of 50 likes, although the "If money doesn't grow on trees..." or dinosaur team only very closely scraped through the criteria ("tsk tsk"). 

The winner will be announced in 2 weeks times on Wednesday 21 March 2012.

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