Saturday, 21 April 2012

Week 18 - Y2J Diary Room

Youth Into Jobs Diary Room
Following on from last weeks 'ripping off television programs' theme, we're allowing the group to give feedback on the entire Youth Into Jobs program through what we like to call:

The Youth Into Jobs Diary Room

They can choose to be filmed in pairs or individually, as long they really b**** and get everything off their chest that they didn't like about the program.

This was prompted by the pathetic answers received on the feedback forms for the following question:

"Is there anything you would add, change or remove to make Youth Into Jobs better?"


...this answer was given across the board by every one of them, independently and without knowing what the others had written.

As much as I'd like to believe that we've managed to create a perfect program first time around, it's a lot more likely that they are apprehensive about criticising the program on a form that they know we will read.

That, and they are probably too lazy to use up precious brain power in thinking up creative ways we could to improve it.

Having them in front of a camera with no one around created an atmosphere where they can really open up and tell us what wasn't so good. 

We were expecting the this total freedom of speech to result in the b****ing levels reaching epic proportions, but the actual results were surprisingly tame. 

One major point that came out through the diary room was that they all truly loved the program as well as the trainers (yay!)

Despite how it may look, we did not put them up to this. 

And it is by sheer coincidence, that we have a go karting trip organised for them next month.

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