Monday 19 December 2011

Week 4 - Ice Cream & CV's

Monday - Team Ben's CVs

"Keep it simple and professional. The only purpose of a CV is to get you into the interview"
Amazing Anhar

As this was the first week of the banana split (group split into 2) we thought we'd add some ice cream. Team Ben now come in on Mondays and Team Jerry on Wednesdays.

Started with a little chat on CV's to see where everyone's at. Some have CV's, some don't but on the whole all could do with some work. Apparently some schools have employment sessions where they create what our group referred to as "poor quality" CV's. Awesome Aminul currently holds the record for most CV's given out with total of 31.

We role played to see how well our Monday children perform in a 'giving out CV's to retail stores' situation. Bimbo Bobby was doing well before a fit of giggles put an end to any further progress. Awesome Aminul outshone the rest asking to see the manager and offering his skills on a voluntary basis to show his 'stuff'. Although, needs to be careful not to come across as over confident.

Wednesday - Team Jerry's CVs

"You all have references... if you tell someone you have no references, it's going to look like you've left a path of destruction behind you"
Psycho Peter

We played CV hangman. Just like normal hangman, but instead of finding a word the group must build a CV from scratch or get 'hanged'. They performed extremely well and left me with no choice but to throw in a few hangman lines for no reason other than my own amusement.

Anhar explains the fundamentals of creating a strong CV

'Giving out CV's to retail stores' exercise went well. There was some uproar as to why Funny Fokrul should get to see the store manager when all previous participants had also asked to see him. They had all been told he wouldn't be around until the end of the day, yet none had said they would come back later. Fokrul going last had simply been in the right place at the right time. Like Aminul in the previous group, Fokrul also offered his skills as a volunteer when told there were no vacancies.

Next week will be purely CV building to create harder, better, faster, stronger CVs before breaking up for christmas.

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